9 Members of the Special Inter-University/ Interdepartmental Administrative Committee of common master program M.Sc. MOGMAT
1. D.Sc.Econ. Siskos Evanggelos, Professor, Dean of M.Sc. -ΜOGMAT and President of Special Inter-University/ Interdepartmental Administrative Committee
2. Vatalis Konstantinos, As. Professor, Vice President of Special Inter-University/ Interdepartmental Administrative Committee
3. Kapageridis John, As. Professor
4. Konteos George, As. Professor
5. Adalat Muradov, Professor, Rector of UNEC,
6. Mansur Barkhudarov, Associate professor
Dean of faculty of International Economic Relations, UNEC
7. Nazim Hajiyev, Associate Prof. Dean of MBA dpt UNEC
Students of ΠΜΣ-ΜOGMAT